Indonesia Red Cross and Its Emergency Response on Disaster (Training and Exposure Visit on Public Health Management on Disaster in Indonesia)

One of participant’s agenda in Training and Exposure Visit on Public Health Management on Disaster in Indonesia was visited the Indonesia RedCross Hospital in Bogor, West Java. In PMI Hospital, dr. Yuliantini, MARS, Director of Hospitalwelcomed the participants.
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The meeting was opened with a welcome speech from (Director of Hospital), then Mr. Wijayanto (Director of AIT Network) gave a brief introduction of the program and introduce the participants.  A presentation of  PMI Hospital was presented by Mr. Yudha W. Waspada, MM (Secretariat Head Section). The participants gave the types of response in disaster and challenges in the field. This was followed by presentation on “MAT–>PKDD (Medical Action Team–>Emergency Basic Health Care)”  by Mr. NS, Iwan Ridwanuddin, Skep (Kepala Ruangan IGD/Ketua Komite Keperawatan).He gave a brief profile and History MAT and Emergency Basic Health Services. After presentation, Mr. Yudha lead the open discussion with participants.
Closing the discussion, The participants were taken to have a tour around the hospital  to look at the hospital facilities such as Emergency Room (IGD), triage, the ramp, the inpatient wards, ICU, hemodialysis ward and thalassemia ward.

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